miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021

A country I would like to travel


Hi! It is supposed that for this blog I should write about a country I would like to visit, however I don't have a country I would like to travel to, I have several and I can't decide, so for this blog I will write about several countries and the reasons why I would like to visit them.

I would like to travel to Europe, because in Europe there isa great diversity of cultures, languages and landscapes, among the countries that I would like to visit are Germany, Romania, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Denmark and France. What most strikes me about these countries is the great variety of buildings from most of the epochs that make up world history.

The other countries I would like to go as a tourist are Japan and Korea, because they are also countries with a great and extensive culture that has been able to mix with the comforts provided by technology, in addition to having a completely different way of life to countries in Latin America.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Javi, I agree with your opinion, I would like to go to europe someday in my life hahahaha.

  2. Hi! Europe have one advantage: a lot of countries near, you can be in three or four in one week whithout problems!
    I hope you can be in a lot of them

  3. The diversity of cultures in Europe is enormous, and the good thing is that in a way it is easy to travel from one country to another.


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