viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

My pet

 Hi! My pet is called Canela, it's a dog, a mix between a poodle and a cocker, although with more of a cocker than a poodle. It was adopted with my family, through a facebook post of a family that had recently had puppies, we went to look for her on January 29, 2019 at the manquehue metro station.

It has a beautiful white coat with brown spots neither so long or so short, which ends everywhere and is of average height. It has the personality of a puppy although it is almost 3 years old still with energy, even with the eyes of an innocent puppy, we know it is aware of this, as it uses its puppy eyes when it wants to be caressed, play, eat something rich for its and even when it makes mistakes as an attempt at manipulation, as it has the personality of a puppy, we treat its as such, so you can say that my family and I are to blame for that, but coming back to the point it is so that it likes to be carried like a baby.

Since it arrived, life has made me happy, especially in times of pandemic where her little legs wander around the house looking for love and I am always willing to give it to its.

changes to my study programme

 Hello everyone today is the last post of the semester and for it I will say things that could be changed from my studio program. The proble...